Because it may seem obvious and tried-and-trusted to go for coloured, girly dresses for a season that marks the rebirth of nature, the return of the heat; But prada did it black and simple and minimalist, and did it better.

Sea print for the shorts and beach print for the jacket. It's like being wrapped up in a celestial landscape, isn't it? And, on top of everything, red lipstick.
Elegant, simple, feminine.
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one thing is for sure:you are so good in describing collections,you have to make your wish come true and be an editor.As for me,I liked the sea-printed shorts(but I would wear them with another jacket).They make me smile and return me to the summer days;)
RispondiEliminai love the last pic so much, love all the shorts! :)
The first cropped jacket is pretty damn amazing.
RispondiEliminaI love the last outfit!
RispondiEliminalove the looks!
RispondiEliminaAh! so gorgeous, I agree completely! It looks so perfect and structured. And the shorts in the last post are amazing!
RispondiEliminaPrada really does ,do it better :)
RispondiEliminaamazing! i love their red lips also :)
RispondiEliminaSo far Prada pretty much did it better than anyone. :D
RispondiEliminai also ADORED this collection!
RispondiEliminaThe silk short at the last picture is so sweet! Great collection! =)