The afternoon before VFNO should be the best ever: i'm famous for being crazy before a social event, like, preparing myself 24 hours before, but yesterday something was wrong, and i just couldn't get in the mood. I was not excited, and that terrified me. It's just that things kept on going wrong. First my daddy had to go to the ER because he had something in one eye. Then my auntie calls and says she's not gonna come because she was sick and had to come home from work early. So without my aunti and with my daddy's impossibility to drive us there, i was seeing the worst scenarios just before my eyes. Then i discover that since my aunti is not gonna come, we can go there earlier, so i have to prepare myself at the speed of light. I am fully dressed wearing my DiY cherry red high waist skirt, white shirt and short black blazer with shoulder pads, all matched with my studded headband and clutch, when i discover that the only shoes that could match the outfit are suddenly TOO BiG. Like my feet are shrinking. I'm on the edge of a nervous breakdown and i burst itno tears for the zillionth time. My father looks like hook captain with thig huge white thing on half his face and he, the least fashionable person, with the ugliest wardrobe ever, shopping hater and celebrities despiser, plus fashion total iGNORANT, is going to come with ME to VFNO. Then my outfit doesn't work. My nailpolish keeps on screwing without any conceivable reason. I'm going crazy. VFNO is, until now, nothing like i'd expected.
So i pull out my usual black pants, a long sleeved grey zara t-shirt with sequins, my blazer, and put on zara heeled shoes and i'm ready for it. But i'm not content at all.
Once in the car, on my way to Milan, the radio is going crazy with VFNO. They have reporters at Giorgio Armani and they're very excited. I'm feeling shivers. I'm going to an event they're talking to ON THE RADiO. this is the hugest thing in my life.
We park our car and take the metro and get to Piazza del Duomo. it's just the beginning. I suggest the first of many out-of-schedule stops, at H&M: I'm doing this because a) my mom needs to buy a VFNO tee for her friend and b) i'm sweating like a PONY since Milan is proving to have a tropical micro climate and i need to buy myself a tank or something to survive the night.
That was the beginning of the fun. That H&M is huge and i kept going upstairs and downstairs hurriedly looking for a suitable tank, not having time to choose a proper one. In the end i got that nice silk blouse, very loose and comfy and a nice colour, between silver and pink, and black ankle boots...and no tee for my mom's friend. There was an endless queue for the Changing Rooms but i am a smart person, so i went out of H&M and spotted what i was looking for: tezenis, an underwear shop, it was empty except for the workers so i took the first bra i saw and headed towards the Chaning rooms where i changed my heavy long sleeved tee for the comfy silk blouse and confidently walked out the shop. It was too much fun, LOL.
I headed towards the richest Zone of Milan, the one hosting all the fashion boutiques, and THERE was the real party. Via Montenapoleone was a stream of people. But not "whoever" people. I was soon to realise that. I went in loads of shops. Louis Vuitton was first. A photographer gifted me a polaroid of myself in front of a shelf full of LV suitcases. That's hung on my fridge next to the ones of me with Abercrombie's Model. Then came Gucci. If louis Vuitton was amazing, i could actually see the new season clothes and i saw, you know, that dress madonna bravely showed up in.. Gucci was even better. There were models with the new season clothes. They were stunning. I had never seen haute fashion models in reality and they looked gorgeous. They were so effin tall!! I felt even shorter than usual, if possible, though i was wearing my 11cm heels. Then at some point i am wandering in the shop and this guy all dressed up comes offering me chocolate. No, wait, look better.
that's a GUCCi PRiNT on the chocolate!! I smile and take one and i'm afraid to eat it, because god, there's a gucci pattern on it. My mom and dad, of course, have already eaten it, without even realising. They were complaining earlier on for they empty stomachs and were actually hoping to
eat. I tried to tell them that , really,
no one ever eats at fashion events.They were skeptical, thinking i was being cynical as per usual.
Now they were beginning to realise i was not. we went forward and spotted Iceberg. It wasn't on my schedule either: but, oh, fuck the schedule, i needed to buy that VFNO tee. I drank champagne and there was a
stylist sat down on a couch behind me, lazily talking to two friends. I was drinking champagne, in a boutique, with a stylist
that near while a handsome guy was wrapping up two tees for me ( yeah i couldn't resist i bought one for me too ). It was surreal, and i was behaving, like..Normal. I felt in my own dimension.
Out of iceberg we saw an unbelievable crowd in front of versace. I couldn't understand
why. and then i saw it. There were photographers, reporters, i saw HER HAiR.
DONATELLA in person was there. I went crazy. I gave all my bags to my dad, and was determined to go up there. my mom thought it impossible. I din't. I made my way up there and actually saw the italian director of Vogue and the Milan Major ( a woman ) going out of the boutique. I was shoulder to shoulder with the most important tv reporters. Then i suddenly was inside. There were more
celebs than real people in it. and there was donatella, taking photos with people. by the time i got to her, i didn't have a chance to take a photo with her, because she did have to go.
i couldn't even open my mouth to ask her for an autograph. I was happy. I went out and saw other plenty of italian celebrities. My tour continued.
yves saint laurent, then Dior. At Dior they shot me amazing photos on a couch with a ginormous cream Dior bag. But i've got to go and claim them form wednesday on.
and then came Pucci. at Pucci i asked a girl for the price of a silk scarf. They were in limited edition so i thought they were at popular price. How silly of me. When she easily said it was 210€ i acted normal but was thinking
now how can i get rid of her without making it obivious that i don't mean to spend so much for a silk scarf? then the magic happened. The girl disappeared: i went upstairs and then after a while went downstairs again and walked out of the shop, in hysterical laughter. God that was so much fun.
i've been in so many shops, drunk so much champagne, that i actually find it hard to remember exactly what i did let alone in which order. I only know that i've seen Eva Cavalli peasedly sat down out of Just Cavalli where i bought a beautiful foulard and, again...
drank champagne.That i've been to Chanel, where they made me a "tatoo" with their logo and gifted me two "bracelets" sprayed with limited edition perfumes. And that i've drunk pear juice. it's been the greatest night of my entire existence. And, just now, my friend told me that he's seen me in
television. In television for god's sake!!! I have missed it!!! that means tonight i'll have to watch every service on VFNO because I'M iN iT!!! can you believe it!?!? Hell as soon as they publish it on their website i'm giving you all the link.
i'm on television.
[ Amazing fiat fake cars....with plants planted in them! ]

[ Donatella @ versace's. ]

[another italian celeb, Alessia Marcuzzi, @ versace's ]

[ Pucci's entrance. ]

[ Chanel Tatoo!]

[ chanel bracelet]

[ My make up for the night]

[Just Cavalli Shopping bag....]

[ H&M shopping bag ]

[Iceberg shopping bag]

[Me taking silly photos in my car while listening to Lady Gaga's paparazzi on the radio! ]